Pročelje zgrade HKC-a konačno je dobilo potpun izgled. Tvrtka MD-BAU izvela je radove izrade i postavljanja: nove nadstrešnice na ulazu u zgradu, oglasne
U subotu 22. 6. 2024. Vokalni sastav Lašvanske dive nastupile su na Književno-glazbenom festivalu Scavacon u Vitezu. Organizator festivala bio je HKD Napredak
U petak 21. lipnja imali smo priliku odslušati Recital klaviristice Marije Bajo, koja nam je pripremila klavirske dijelove iz svoje multimedijalne monodrame, projekta
U petak 14. lipnja zajedno s Novotravničkim mažoretkinjama Limena glazba ,,Lašva” Nova Bila održala je defile novouređenim novotravničkim ulicama povodom Dana općine Novi
Dugometražni dokumentarni film ,,Praznine’’, u produkciji Kazališta mladih ,,Korifej’’ i u režiji Anele Križanac, prikazan je 11. 6. 2024. u Hrvatskom domu Herceg
U ponedjeljak 3. lipnja održan je Godišnji koncert Osnovne glazbene škole Jakova Gotovca Novi Travnik – Područni odjel Nova Bila. U bogatom programu
Hrvatski kulturni centar Nova Bila osnovna je 1. lipnja 1995. godine, tako da danas slavi svoj 29. rođendan. Tim povodom donosimo popis avih
Haley was a bored spy. She was stationed in some shady part of the world, and all she could do was sit in her office and stare at the wall. Her boss had given her an assignment to get some information on a smuggling ring, but she had no idea how to go about it. So she did what any bored spy would do: she turned to the internet. She found a website that offered spy tug massage. She thought it was a joke at first, but she decided to go for it. She sent her payment and arranged to meet the masseuse at her office. When the masseuse arrived, she introduced herself as a lesbian. Haley was a little surprised, but she decided to go with it. The masseuse massaged Haley's back and shoulders, and then she started to rub Haley's pussy. Haley was surprised at how good it felt. The masseuse kissed her on the lips and then started to tug on Haley's pussy. Haley orgasmed within minutes, and the masseuse took advantage of the opportunity and sucked Haley's pussy dry.